Pickle Instructions
The object of the game is to be the last player standing; the player who has not been eliminated
Each game is scored to 36 points, or each player is issued 36 points worth of chips to surrender.
Each game consists of repeating “hands”, starting with 7 cards but may range from 3 to 18 cards. Each hand consists of “tricks” which may range from a single card up to four cards from each player. Single and multiple card plays are called “sets”.
- All players must be dealt the same number of cards each round
- All players must play the same number of cards for each trick.
- A set of cards must be the same face value to be lead together.
- All cards in a set can be matched or beaten individually.
- Each hand must end with a single card play from each player.
- The number of cards exchanged after the deal must allow all players to exchange the same number of cards.
- Each player must match or beat each card in the highest played set of the trick.
- All cards of the set must be beaten or the lowest cards must be surrendered for every card in the set.
(This is an all or nothing rule, beating one card and surrendering 2 lowest cards is not allowed)
Keeping score:
Pen & pad: All players to reach 36 points are eliminated from the game. More than one payer can be eliminated simultaneously.
Chips: An alternate score system is to give each player 36 chips at the start of the game. At the end of each hand, each player that is assessed points will surrender the number of chips equal to the points assessed. These chips are put into the center of the table or “in the pot”. No player ”wins” the pot, when a player runs out of chips they are eliminated from the game.
The Deal: To start the game, seven cards are dealt one at a time to each player in a clockwise direction. At the end of each hand, points will be assessed to one or more players.
The number of points assessed established how many cards are dealt in the following hand. For example: If 10 points are assessed, 10 cards will be dealt in the next hand, one at a time and in a clockwise direction.
The person at the end of each hand with the highest card is the dealer for the following hand.
If there are two or more players that play the highest card, the last played highest card is the dealer. Card rank vs. points. One of difficulties of learning Pickle is remembering the rank of each card.
Each player must play cards that are higher in rank than the previously played highest card or set OR play their lowest cards for every card in the set.
Ranking: Ranking your hand Suits are only considered for the 3 of clubs and 5 of spades, all other cards suits have no importance. All 2s are the lowest cards and increase in standard fashion up to the 7s then all 9s up to Aces are next.
The 8s are ranked higher than Aces and Jokers are ranked higher than the 8s. The 5 of spades is ranked higher than a Joker and the 3 of clubs is the highest-ranking card in the deck. These characters have been created to help show the card strength.
A player may lead the 3 of clubs with other 3s or the 5 of spades with other 5s. Lead together all cards in the set assume the strength of the 3 of clubs or 5 of spades, forcing all players to follow with the lowest cards in their hand to match the set quantity. Setting the exchange After the deal, the player to the right of the dealer may set a trade if enough cards remain in the deck.
All players are offered this trade for new cards starting with the player to the left of the dealer. There must be enough cards for each player to trade cards, even if they choose to play the cards dealt. Players may trade the number of cards set for the trade or play the cards they were dealt. The number of cards may not be adjusted based on players that will and will not trade.
The Exchange Starting with the player to the left, the dealer offers the exchange, cards must be tossed face down to the table prior to receiving new cards. The dealer issues new cards for each players trade from the top of the deck before advancing to the next player clockwise around the table ending with him/herself.
The player may pass on the exchange, but may NOT exchange any amount of cards other than the quantity set for the trade. There must be enough cards remaining in the deck for all players to be offered the same exchange, even if they pass. Exchanged cards may not be reused, these cards are scrubbed along with extra cards from the deck after the exchange.
The Lead After the exchange, the player to the left of the dealer starts the play by leading a single card or any number of cards with matching face values (a set). Not all cards of matching face value have to be played simultaneously, and a single card must be held for the final trick of each hand. Playing a trick Once the lead player has played, each player in a clockwise manner must play an equal or higher card for each card in the highest played set of the trick or play the lowest card or cards in their hand. Every card of a set must be matched or beaten, if a player is unable to do so they must surrender the lowest cards in their hand for all cards in the set. The person to play the highest set of the trick is the player to lead the next trick. If there is more than one player with the highest set, the player to play the last set wins the lead.
Dealing the next hand:
The player assessed points is made the dealer of the next hand, and must deal the number of cards equal to the points they were given. If there was a tie, the player that played the last high card becomes the dealer. All players must receive the same number of cards, so the number of cards dealt could be less than the number of points taken in the previous hand. If all cards are dealt or the remaining cards do not allow for an equal trade for all players still in the game, no trade is offered.
The end of the game: The last player remaining with less than 36 points or holding at least a single chip wins the game. If the last two players in the game tie at the end of the last trick of the last hand of the game, both are assessed the points. If the result of getting points is both players being eliminated, there is no winner and all players are reinstated to the game. The player to play last in this case will deal the first hand of the reset and they will deal 7 cards to each player as in the start of the game.